Monday, February 4, 2013

Talking about the Sunshine Kids Car Seat Warmer

This is the Sunshine Kids Car Seat Warmer. 

Now your child can have a warm seat too. Sunshine Kids Seat Warmer is perfect for an older child in cold winter travel for use on boosters or vehicle seat. Plugs into any vehicle 12v socket. Automatic 7 minute shut off to avoid overheating. Water resistant fabric. Extnded cord to plug into front of vehicle.

Sunshine Kids Seat Warmer features:
  • Easy on/off switch makes it easy for children 4 and up to use
  • Automatic shut off prevents overheating by turning off after 7 minutes
  • Fabric is water resitant and repels liquids
  • Extended cord allows plug in at front of vehicle

First off, let's just say this product was never intended for a 5-point harness car seat. There would be too many risks when using it for any child under 4, and in a 5-point harness. 

Although I really get the concept, and let's face it, who doesn't really love a seat warmer??? But before you use it, let's take a look at a few things. Whenever you add something to a car seat, use after market products, or put anything in your car, you are always adding a level of risk. For instance, a simple CD in the car could become a potential hazard in a crash. 

  - cords: children love to play with them and pull at them. I'm not sure if it's a great idea to have, even an older child, on something that has a cord long enough to get strangled in. You have to think about the child right next to this in the other car seat as well - can your younger child reach the cord and potentially injure himself? In a crash, do you want this extra cord flying around the car?
  - extra heat: even a 7 minute auto shut off seems too long for kids.  
  - after market product: I've mentioned it before, anytime you add anything to a car seat, even a booster, your adding an extra element, an extra risk. It's also an electrical devise. Do you want your child sitting on that? 

If you make the decision to use one, please use it wisely. If your 4 year old is still in a 5-point harness, don't use this product!! Never ever in any 5-point harness. Understand the maturity of your child. Read the manual! Know the risks, talk about it with your child and help him/her understand that this is not a toy. Be very aware of the temperature in the vehicle - younger kids may push the limit as to how hot they become, especially if it's brand new to them (they might like to play with it!) 

I know they call it the "Car Seat Warmer", but personally, I wouldn't recommend it even in a booster. I would recommend waiting until your child is old enough, big enough, and mature enough to be in a regular seat and seat belt. 

Please remember - a booster seat is still a car seat. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rear Facing vs forward facing

So how long do I have to keep them rear facing?

I think the questions should be: how long can I keep them rear facing?

Rear facing is by far the safest position that your baby can be in! By Saskatchewan law, the earliest you can turn a child forward facing is: 1 year of age, 22 lbs and walking unassisted. But recently the AAP advised that kids remain in a rear facing car seat until 2 years of age, or the maximum weight of the seat - and if you ask any Car Seat Technician, they will likely tell you the same thing. Don't rush to get to the next stage. If your little one is still within the limits of the seat... just keep him there!

There is tremendous force in a crash. If you have the choice to reduce those forces to your child, I say - why not?

I want to share a video with you to compare the forces from a crash on your child in a forward facing position versus a rear facing position.

When a child is rear facing, the forces are spread out through the back of the seat. When a child is forward facing, there is so much more force on the head, neck and spine. The diagram below illustrates the different proportions of infants, toddlers, children, teens and adults.  Until adulthood, a far greater proportion of body weight is in the upper body and head.  Vehicle seat belts and safety systems are designed for adult proportions, while a rear facing car seat is designed for the proportions of a child.  

Here are some common questions with rear facing:

My son has really long legs and they touch the back of the seat! ~ That's ok! Kids are generally comfortable bending their knees, curling their legs, or hanging them over the side of the seat. The purpose of rear facing is to protect the head, neck and spine. We are not aware of any cases of broken legs from a crash in a rear facing position, but if your child was to sustain an injury in a crash, wouldn't you rather it be to her legs than to her spine?

(source of the photo off a blog of a mom who keeps her preschooler rear facing here: 

My daughter get bored and cries the whole time!  ~ Once kids learn that they can move, most don't like to be confined to a car seat. Any car seat. Any position. If they have only been rear facing, they don't know any different, so they don't know what it'll look like the other way around. Use soft (so they don't become a hard projectile in a crash) books or soft toys to occupy them. 

I can't see my child when he cries ~ It's dangerous for you to be looking anywhere other then the road. If your child is crying, you only have three safe options, all of which will work no matter what position they are in: talk to them from the front seat, turn the music up louder, or pull over to comfort them. 

I have some people bugging me that my child is too big to be rear facing ~ The reality is, there's going to be at least one thing you do on a daily basis that someone has a problem with. You've made your decisions for a reason. If you've done your research, and you are comfortable with your decision - then stick to it! We need to make it 'normal' for people to see. If people don't see it, then they are often confused about why it should be done. Here are some things you can say if you need "I talked to a car seat technician and they recommended it," or "SGI suggests it for as long as they fit the weight limit," or "I feel it's the safest thing for our child." If anyone is looking for more information than you feel comfortable providing, they are welcome to come by and chat with me, or stop by my office! 

Tons and tons of information can be found in the internet. Here are a few of my favourites:  (this one is UK but still great information, photos and videos!)

You can also go onto SGI's website and find a technician or a car seat clinic in your area to get your seat checked or ask any questions you might have! 

There is lots of information regarding car seats. If you have any questions - feel free to contact me! You can also find my facebook page and post questions there! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Car Seats on Shopping Carts

I have been a little hesitant to talk about this. But it needs to be talked about.
The car seat on the top of the cart. 

I don't like this. It breaks my heart to see this. Why? That car seat is not stable up there, and it has happened, that the whole cart has fallen over. Maybe there's a guy not looking where he's going, maybe a toddler decided to try climbing the side and took the whole thing over. It happens. There are so many reasons why NOT to do this:

-  it makes the cart top heavy. YES, it has happened that carts have fallen over. Do you shop with a toddler? Or with other customers in the store? It wouldn't take much more then a little bump from someone... and your baby would be on the floor.
- the car seat is NOT designed to snap into the top. Yes, sometimes it snaps, but they were not built together, so they do not go together. And if you do hear it snap, that is no guarantee it will stay there.
- the angle of the seat is usually wrong - which means your little humans chin is touching the chest and their air supply is then limited.

Please don't do this. There are other options!

- Babywear! You can get a lot more done anyway, and that moment you happen to walk away from your cart to grab that thing off the shelf, your baby will be with you, so if someone knocks over the cart - your baby will be safe!
- Bring another adult with you. A friend, the dad, your dad, you mom, your sister, your friend. Not many people complain when asked to hold a baby. 
If you HAVE to bring your car seat in with you (like you can't find another option) place it inside the main part of the cart. I am not recommending this, but it's a better option then on top. Please remember to check the angle of the seat!! Often times the carseat will be at a bad angle and the baby's chin is touching the chest - remember they need to be able to breathe :)

I would be happy to help if you have any questions!
Take care, and take care of those littles, they are only little for a very short time!

Wendy :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer and Babywearing

Wow! It's hot out there! I LOVE the heat - yes, even this heat! I love it even more if i'm in my bathing suit. Less clothes = less heat. How do you dress on hot days? More importantly, how do you dress your baby?? Even more importantly, how do you dress your baby in a baby carrier???

Good question!

On hot days like this, I tend to not use a carrier as often. I am a care giver to a 24 month old, and we typically use the carrier a lot! But if we do, i make sure that I am wearing something light, thin and therefore pretty cool. She is often wearing a light dress, and sometimes - just a diaper! It's really the best way.

A big cotton sleeper, or jeans and a long sleeve won't allow any air flow, and trap heat inside. Babies can get away with not wearing anything - so why not take advantage? If you want to protect against the sun and don't want to slather the sunscreen, just use a really light blanket over. (The Aden and Anais lightweight muslin blanket is awesome!). Be sure that your baby's head is close to you (visable, kissable!) so that you can hear, see and feel their breathing! Try and avoid staying outside for long periods of time (especially with a newborn!), and stay hydrated! If you need to cool down, try and find some shade - or better yet some A/C, or head home and take a cool bath!

I repeat - make sure you are staying hydrated! You will sweat all you water out even though trying to stay cool! For nursing mommas - breastfeed often! Even if it's shorter then the regular feedings. Formula feeders - feed often as well! If your baby is older, you can have a sippy cup near by filled with water for little sips along the way! Educate yourself on signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion and watch yourself and your kids for signs!

I hope you are enjoying your summer!! I am going to head outside for a bit :) (Maybe read a book!)

See you all soon!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello! And welcome to The Urban Babybugs. A place where information is key! This is my first post here, so I'll quickly introduce myself. (more information can be found on the background of Babybugs tab)

My name is Wendy. I have a photography business (Artistic Expressions Photography) where i specialize in pregnancy, birth, newborn, toddlers, and families! I have such a passion for kids, babies.. they keep it simple! I surround myself everyday with the kids in my life, and make it a mission to inform myself and try to provide information to other parents and caregivers! I am a nanny to a wonderful 24 month little girl, I have two beautiful nieces, a nephew and so many many other wonderful and simply adorable babies and kids in my life.
I believe in making an educated choice. My plea to all parents, business people... well, anybody - don't make a blind decision! Don't do something just because everyone else is doing it! Follow your instincts (yes, we all have them!) and make your own choices.
This page is to provide you with information. Mostly about Car Seats and Babywearing, but I am hoping to have some guest writers on the page to write about things they are passionate about! To provide us with information.

So speaking of information! I have a fantastic page that i love! It's all about car seats - and it has photos! It's excellent information, and a photo to know what to look for! How perfect is that! Please check it out!

Picture Guide to Car Seat Safety     (Explore her site! It's pretty fantastic!)

Thanks for reading! Until next time!
