Thursday, September 6, 2012

Car Seats on Shopping Carts

I have been a little hesitant to talk about this. But it needs to be talked about.
The car seat on the top of the cart. 

I don't like this. It breaks my heart to see this. Why? That car seat is not stable up there, and it has happened, that the whole cart has fallen over. Maybe there's a guy not looking where he's going, maybe a toddler decided to try climbing the side and took the whole thing over. It happens. There are so many reasons why NOT to do this:

-  it makes the cart top heavy. YES, it has happened that carts have fallen over. Do you shop with a toddler? Or with other customers in the store? It wouldn't take much more then a little bump from someone... and your baby would be on the floor.
- the car seat is NOT designed to snap into the top. Yes, sometimes it snaps, but they were not built together, so they do not go together. And if you do hear it snap, that is no guarantee it will stay there.
- the angle of the seat is usually wrong - which means your little humans chin is touching the chest and their air supply is then limited.

Please don't do this. There are other options!

- Babywear! You can get a lot more done anyway, and that moment you happen to walk away from your cart to grab that thing off the shelf, your baby will be with you, so if someone knocks over the cart - your baby will be safe!
- Bring another adult with you. A friend, the dad, your dad, you mom, your sister, your friend. Not many people complain when asked to hold a baby. 
If you HAVE to bring your car seat in with you (like you can't find another option) place it inside the main part of the cart. I am not recommending this, but it's a better option then on top. Please remember to check the angle of the seat!! Often times the carseat will be at a bad angle and the baby's chin is touching the chest - remember they need to be able to breathe :)

I would be happy to help if you have any questions!
Take care, and take care of those littles, they are only little for a very short time!

Wendy :)

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