Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer and Babywearing

Wow! It's hot out there! I LOVE the heat - yes, even this heat! I love it even more if i'm in my bathing suit. Less clothes = less heat. How do you dress on hot days? More importantly, how do you dress your baby?? Even more importantly, how do you dress your baby in a baby carrier???

Good question!

On hot days like this, I tend to not use a carrier as often. I am a care giver to a 24 month old, and we typically use the carrier a lot! But if we do, i make sure that I am wearing something light, thin and therefore pretty cool. She is often wearing a light dress, and sometimes - just a diaper! It's really the best way.

A big cotton sleeper, or jeans and a long sleeve won't allow any air flow, and trap heat inside. Babies can get away with not wearing anything - so why not take advantage? If you want to protect against the sun and don't want to slather the sunscreen, just use a really light blanket over. (The Aden and Anais lightweight muslin blanket is awesome!). Be sure that your baby's head is close to you (visable, kissable!) so that you can hear, see and feel their breathing! Try and avoid staying outside for long periods of time (especially with a newborn!), and stay hydrated! If you need to cool down, try and find some shade - or better yet some A/C, or head home and take a cool bath!

I repeat - make sure you are staying hydrated! You will sweat all you water out even though trying to stay cool! For nursing mommas - breastfeed often! Even if it's shorter then the regular feedings. Formula feeders - feed often as well! If your baby is older, you can have a sippy cup near by filled with water for little sips along the way! Educate yourself on signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion and watch yourself and your kids for signs!

I hope you are enjoying your summer!! I am going to head outside for a bit :) (Maybe read a book!)

See you all soon!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello! And welcome to The Urban Babybugs. A place where information is key! This is my first post here, so I'll quickly introduce myself. (more information can be found on the background of Babybugs tab)

My name is Wendy. I have a photography business (Artistic Expressions Photography) where i specialize in pregnancy, birth, newborn, toddlers, and families! I have such a passion for kids, babies.. they keep it simple! I surround myself everyday with the kids in my life, and make it a mission to inform myself and try to provide information to other parents and caregivers! I am a nanny to a wonderful 24 month little girl, I have two beautiful nieces, a nephew and so many many other wonderful and simply adorable babies and kids in my life.
I believe in making an educated choice. My plea to all parents, business people... well, anybody - don't make a blind decision! Don't do something just because everyone else is doing it! Follow your instincts (yes, we all have them!) and make your own choices.
This page is to provide you with information. Mostly about Car Seats and Babywearing, but I am hoping to have some guest writers on the page to write about things they are passionate about! To provide us with information.

So speaking of information! I have a fantastic page that i love! It's all about car seats - and it has photos! It's excellent information, and a photo to know what to look for! How perfect is that! Please check it out!

Picture Guide to Car Seat Safety     (Explore her site! It's pretty fantastic!)

Thanks for reading! Until next time!
